Project Objective

Teaching training and rehabilitating of children with special needs, and those who suffer from learning difficulties, mild and moderate mental retardation, and autism.

The most important goal of our programs is to integrate these children into society, by helping the family and society to accept and help this individual.
Every student who unrolls in the rehabilitation program conduct a BDA test (the battery of development assessment) in order To determine the type of difficulties faced by the student and his level of intelligence

Main Programs in the Center

  • Teaching students who suffer from learning difficulties and mental disabilities, and who need a specialized educational program.
  • Educating the community about learning difficulties, how to discover them, and how to deal with them socially and educationally.
  • Reducing school dropouts.
  • Rehabilitation of schools to integrate people with learning difficulties.
  • Rehabilitation of people with special needs, and help them to adapt.
  • Rehabilitation and vocational training for students and their integration into the labor market.
  • Rehabilitation programs include speech therapy, kinesthetic therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and psychological therapy.

The Educational Program

After the educational assessment and tests of abilities and perceptions, an individual plan of action is drawn up for each student commensurate with his situation.

Each student undergoes an Arabic language program, a foreign language program, arithmetic, a general information program, a program for developing abilities and perceptions, and a social rehabilitation program.

Note: Students are registered with the Ministry of Education and receive an official statement at the end of the academic year.

Rehabilitation Program

Specialists of the social health work team develop a plan of action to intervene with individuals and groups according to their condition and needs.

They have audiovisual disabilities or other health problems that limit their ability to communicate.

Physiotherapists help children rehabilitate and overcome their problems, and rehabilitate them to move and walk and maintain balance

The activities we do help focus mentally and visually:

  • Includes speech therapy, kinesthetic therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and psychological therapy.
  • Helps children reach their fullest potential and improve their quality of life.
  • Prepares people with special needs and disabilities for sustainable employment.


Physiotherapists help children rehabilitate and overcome their problems and rehabilitate them to move and walk and maintain balance.

Speech Therapy

We help children with speech difficulties to communicate non-verbally, such as writing and movement, and then oral communication.

Sensory Room

In 2018, the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR offered the center a sensory room for special needs enabling devices, the first room in Bekaa.

Helps students and autistic children explore and interact with their environment through touch, hearing, smell, and vision.

Implemented in sensory room and provides sensory services for autistic children.

Helps children explore and interact with their environment.

Sensory rooms help autistic children communicate by stimulating their five senses.

  • Different lights help stimulate the sense of sight.
  • The aids on the wall help stimulate the sense of touch.
  • The devices on the floor are dysfunctional surfaces that help stimulate the sense of touch through the feet.
  • the sandbox helps visual and motor coordination.
  • Swinging helps balance

sensory motor and occupational therapy by entertaining and sports activities.

The program includes an educational entertainment class, in which students are subjected to meaningful group games that help their integration within the group, activate communication, and develop skills and reaction.

The program also includes:

  • Extra-curricular program: includes visits to historical places, institutions, recreational places for a scientific and educational purpose, such as extra-curricular activities or an entertainment objective.
  • Capacity development program: includes the development of memory, the ability to analyze, compose, logic, arithmetic and general information.
  • Cognitive development program: includes the development of linguistic perception, visual perception, auditory perception, kinesthetic perception, and expression.
  • A program of civic education and national education.
  • Activities related to children’s rights.
  • Students are also subjected to speech therapy by a specialist who is interested in addressing letter exits, reading and writing language problems. (troubles of language)
We are dedicated to helping children thrive and reach their full potential.

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